My Vacation During Holy Week (Part 2)

As aforementioned, Semana Santa, or Holy Week is a very important religious holiday for Spain. Therefore, most everyone is given the week off from work, include us students! During this week, many of us take advantage of the amazing location we are in and travel. First stop: Dublin, Ireland. I had to pleasure of visiting … Continue reading My Vacation During Holy Week (Part 2)

Holy Week in Granada (Part 1)

Happy Easter! I just returned from a week of vacationing aka traveling during Spain’s Semana Santa or Holy Week leading up to Easter. Being that Spain is a very Catholic country, this week is extremely significant and full of events. Beginning on Palm Sunday Spaniards young and old process through the streets at nearly every … Continue reading Holy Week in Granada (Part 1)

Choir and El Clásico

Most of Spain follows two religions: Catholicism and Fútbol! This past weekend was El Clásico, the ultimate soccer match between Real Madrid and Barcelona. This match is the equivalent of the United States Superbowl, complete with intensely loyal fans, advertisements galore, and houses and bars full of people glued to the screen. In fact, nightlife … Continue reading Choir and El Clásico